
Is wheat my enemy? Are oats my friend?

Limited my wheat greatly between Thanksgiving and just before Christmas(Had to bake Christmas Cookies on December 22nd.).  And was good about oatmeal for breakfast.  I felt pretty good.  During this time period I stopped taking Ibuprophen and a muscle relaxant I was using to deal with a back problem that is not going away no matter how I eat.   Last week had a Reuben sandwich.  Decided to be really good tomorrow so I had a pancake and toast at brunch.  Not planning to be good tonight but back to wheat avoidance tomorrow.

Grazing early

Veggies good. Dip delicious but not anti-inflammatory.  Brunch was egg over easy, light toast,small piece of ham, and fruit.. Fresh fruit fixes everything, right? Breakfast was 1/2 C Cheerios and 1/2 Banana with 2% Horizons Organic Milk.

This time for sure.

Had my annual physical today. Pretty good but my cholesterol has crept up and I said I could do better.  True Confessions:  I had Pepperoni pizza on Saturday, Mexican Food on Sunday at a place that uses lard to make their retried beans, and lots of cheese at my other meals.  This salad has a small amount of goat cheese which is a much better choice. 1 oz. Tillamook Cheddar has 9gr Total fat (25mg Cholesterol) My favorite! vs. 1 oz. Trader Joe Crumbled Goat Cheese has 5 gr Total fat (10 mg Cholesterol)

Fruits and Veggies, oh my!

Is pot roast anti-inflammatory? It does have some vegetables that are.  And fruit is what’s for dessert.

Salmon and fruits and vegetables


Happy Greek Easter!

Are Greek salads anti-inflammatory?  I believe my problem is gluten not dairy and not tomatoes.  Yesterday I had a Greek salad for lunch as well from a different restaurant.  It seems like the thing I am doing is cutting back on meat and boosting my vegetable intake which is good.

Nightshades AND Dairy ?!?!?

What can I say? I love cheese and tomatoes.  This Insalata Caprese is almost prepped and will be served with a grass-fed meatball with tomato sauce and more cheese.  The ingredients seem fresh and  nutrient-dense to me.  Yum!