
Showing posts from April, 2018

This time for sure.

Had my annual physical today. Pretty good but my cholesterol has crept up and I said I could do better.  True Confessions:  I had Pepperoni pizza on Saturday, Mexican Food on Sunday at a place that uses lard to make their retried beans, and lots of cheese at my other meals.  This salad has a small amount of goat cheese which is a much better choice. 1 oz. Tillamook Cheddar has 9gr Total fat (25mg Cholesterol) My favorite! vs. 1 oz. Trader Joe Crumbled Goat Cheese has 5 gr Total fat (10 mg Cholesterol)

Fruits and Veggies, oh my!

Is pot roast anti-inflammatory? It does have some vegetables that are.  And fruit is what’s for dessert.

Salmon and fruits and vegetables


Happy Greek Easter!

Are Greek salads anti-inflammatory?  I believe my problem is gluten not dairy and not tomatoes.  Yesterday I had a Greek salad for lunch as well from a different restaurant.  It seems like the thing I am doing is cutting back on meat and boosting my vegetable intake which is good.

Nightshades AND Dairy ?!?!?

What can I say? I love cheese and tomatoes.  This Insalata Caprese is almost prepped and will be served with a grass-fed meatball with tomato sauce and more cheese.  The ingredients seem fresh and  nutrient-dense to me.  Yum!

Viking Cruise Lentil Stew

Image Tonight we will have lentils.  They are anti-inflammatory but I gotta admit I know the bacon and smoked sausage are not. Still, I believe the positives outweigh the negatives. Slightly altered the stew with the last of an old bottle of white wine in place of apple cider vinegar, used a bay leaf, turnip in place of potato, and I added a small amount of freshly grated turmeric.  Oh, and I had no leeks.

Low Sodium V-8

  Avoiding gluten but sticking with nightshades. Leftover Easter asparagus with egg and a small slice of avocado.. Anecdotally people think nightshades inflame.  I think they are good because they pack a lot of nutrients such as lycopene as in the case of the lovely tomato. Hey, I used a dash of Tabasco Sauce so that fixes everything.

Is this anti-inflammatory?

Yesterday’s breakfast of scrambled egg with spinach, smoked salmon, and low-sodium V-8.  I don’t own a juicer and do like V-8 sometimes. Pilates Reformer, Infrared Sauna, and Chiropractic treatment were the actions of the day for my back pain.  Lower back continues to have pain and I have continuous spasms in the butt that I think compress the spine.

Strawberry Spinach Salad for back pain?

Decided that in the interest of wellness to eat better and join a gym with a pool.  Swam 10 laps this morning and made salad for lunch.  Strawberries get a lot of praise for being anti- inflammatory.